
Make a crew: Simply to make a crew you must be a level 25 and have 150 gems. Now to start of. Just go to crews control and click on Melvin. Make sure you're not in a crew. Now go to to make a crew logo. Send it to your crew profile. You can also make editing like a gem with some words in edited by you. Now make sure your crew logo is attractive next step is just to edit the profile info and also private info like 'To remain in this crew you must have *** stars and above.' Now the rest of the gems is to decorate but remember to make an event to invite people. Total: 50 gems= create 10 gems=logo 3 gems= event 87 gems= decoration.

Get a gf : Hey boys. Wanna dig chicks ehh. Just do this. Be kind to ladies meet one and chat with them a little and remember to see them often. Make up jokes that will make them laugh. Try to find a girl which is your type and not the looks or level type -_-. example: I am a level 68 zoe club and I have level 17 tourist gf. I still love her. Never go for the kill at the first time eventually they will say some complements about you like ur funny ;) or something. When you think ur ready go for the kill. Invite her to ur's or her condo and ask. She will come as she might think you have something to share again. Always go online to meet her. Never end the  date unless u dated her for more then an hour and always date her everyday and introduce her to new couples.

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